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To preach, prepare, participate


Sunday Morning Prayer (9:30 – 9:45 a.m.) – This is the prayer time of the Church. We gather together during this time for the purpose of preparing for the services on Sunday, we also pray that the Lord would work in the services through His word. We pray for various needs of people in the Church, nation & world missions.

Sunday Morning Worship Service (10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.) – This is the leading corporate worship service of the Church. Since worship is a response to God’s revelation and His work, the central focus of this service is preaching God’s word to feed the flock of God. The singing, reading, prayer, and everything in this service contribute to the theme of the Sermon for that Sunday morning. The sermons will have applications for both believers and unbelievers. Lord's Table (Communion) will be observed every 1st Sunday during the morning service.

Children’s Church on Sundays (11 a.m.): This is when the Church comes alongside the parents and helps them raise their kids in the knowledge of God’s word. It is only a supplement to the parent's role in training their children in the knowledge of God and is never a replacement for that.

Teens Bible class (2nd & 4th Sundays)—This class is especially for those aged 13-16. It meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays for study and fellowship. 

Youth & Young Adults Fellowship (2nd Sunday)—This fellowship is for youth (17-25 years) and young adults (26-35 years). These two groups meet on the 2nd Sunday at 12:15 p.m. for a time of study and fellowship, along with lunch.

Couples Fellowship (4th Sundays)—This study and fellowship are intended for couples up to age 50. Participants learn Biblical principles on marriage, family, and parenting. They meet on the 4th Sunday at 12:15 p.m.

Bible Study (Wednesdays 7 p.m.) – This time is devoted to an in-depth study of the Bible with careful life applications.

Fellowship Evening & Dinner (5th Sunday 5:30 p.m.)—All members are expected to look forward to this evening. On this day, we gather together for an informal time of fellowship. We sing songs, present special songs, share testimonies, pray for one another, and end our time of fellowship with dinner.

As of now the above services are vital to our existence as Bethany Baptist Church. We encourage every one to be part of these services.