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To preach, prepare, participate

God's Sovereignity proved

It’s over 8 years now living in Bangalore. Life has transformed much from what it was then. With more of IT job, each day has become predictable and mundane. Moved from home for the sake of employment and living far away from parents, I realized that my life was at my own behest yet realized that there’s a vacuum deep within.

Raised Christian and born again back at my home church I soon realized that I needed HIM desperately and felt the vacancy without the fellowship with God and His people. Missing God and Church I sobbed and prayed God to move me from Delhi to Bangalore. Grown as a Christian child, church going is not just a fashion for me but a serious thing. Each Sunday I felt more desperate and craved for a richer knowledge of God, some soul inspiring worship, some good sermon that I could go home satisfied for the rest of the week. Often I talked to God, “God I work hard for all the six days and get exhausted, but those 2 hours in the church is even more tiring and dissatisfying, I feel like I am moving away from you”.  The sovereignty of the Lord did lead me, my wife and our new born baby to Bethany one day.

Bethany is a small fellowship started with a burden in the heart of a Gods’ servant in a place where youngsters loom at large. It is run by a committed few and a very passionate young pastor with a strong pastoral parenthood and background hailing from a very mundane and rural setting of India. Soon I began appreciating this small kinsfolk knitted so closely by God’s love, and I felt at home. Here people are God-centered, open and receiving and one can relate to. Bethany is a place where you will find people of all manners, from bachelors to young couples, young families to older kin.

At each sermon I heard from the pulpit I could see the pastor's heart, a heart burdened for God's people and God's love. The principles he clings to are strongly ingrained in the scriptures. I appreciate the seriousness that was taught in the Membership classes, application and significance of Baptism, sanctity of the Lord's Table and requirement of counseling for young adults before the Holy Matrimony. In each of these activities I see the pastors’ utmost care, well preparedness to bring forth scriptural evidence which I don’t find elsewhere.

Here is the best part: Every Sunday the worship lasts for little over one and half hour and if one is observant enough the whole service is beautifully orchestrated by the theme of the message that the pastor would bring. The worship and the sermon are not disjoint activities but every choice of songs perfectly fits into the grand theme and climax. I wonder how much time the pastor would take into pick and rightly fit each section that would bring melody to the whole subject. The sermon is rightly divided and delivered. The finest piece of the whole service is the last part of the sermon which concludes into the person of Christ himself. The last invocation to come to Christ is missing in many churches today or at least those I have visited. Standing in His love, God often spoke, admonished, reiterated, pardoned, reassured and granted His Grace to my response.

I along with my family am happy to be associated with Bethany as one of its member to continue to worship Christ and do my part in the Church. I encourage you to come and be a part of Bethany and see how God’s sovereignty can be proved in your life.

Milton, Divi and Neev

Bethany Baptist Church

We recieved the word and care here

 While we were longing for a church in south Bangalore, where teaching of God’s word is given core importance, God led us to this fellowship, known that time as ‘Divya Christian fellowship’. God has wonderfully built this fellowship and made it grow and be formed into Bethany Baptist church. Being part of the fellowship and later the church has been one of the precious gifts of God in our lives and we are truly blessed.

We particularly love the mission of the church “Giving the whole counsel of God’s word”. It truly does happen in this church Sunday after Sunday through all the services and Bible classes, where pure and correct teaching from God’s Word and Word alone is given. Every message that we hear from God’s Word has been truly a blessing and we never returned without our hearts and souls being touched in one way or other. We actually look forward to every Sunday!

For the first time in our lives we actually saw that Church membership is truly the steps leading to form a community of God’s people for growing together in His grace and knowledge, helping each other in fellowship. Any church that we went earlier was simply mere filling up of forms and becoming a ‘member’. But here at Bethany it’s absolutely so very meaningful. Every time we hear testimonies of people joining this church it’s thrilling and encouraging to see how God is working in lives of people to draw them to Himself in so amazing ways.

We have received the love of Christ abundantly through the church. Especially during the time when we lost our dad, it was the love and comfort given to us by the dear ones in church that saw us through it. When dad was long hospitalized and we were so drained out physically and emotionally, not knowing to make any critical decisions that doctors were saying and asking of us, our Pastor and his family and many dear ones from the church were constantly there for us – praying, speaking and encouraging us constantly over phone, advising, visiting and helping us out at every stage. Later when dad passed away, our Pastor and dear ones of this church stood by us like our own family members. They did not even know our parents well and though our parents were not even part of this church, yet, at that time of our crisis they came forward to help us and executed all the funeral aspects that were needed to be done. We both and our mother had absolutely no idea of how to proceed with things at those stages, but these dear ones from church were really there like angels of God beside us, at every stage, and strengthened us through their amazing love and help. We have absolutely no words to thank God for what they have done by helping us in that phase. We share this for the glory of our Lord.

Mangala & Madhura Lobo
Bethany Baptist Church


Milton & Family

Lobo Family